About Us

Our Aims & Objectives

  • Aims and objectives to provide a neighbourhood centre for residents of Gillingham and surrounding villages to meet up for social, educational, health or physical activity.
  • To provide facilities for local community groups of all ages, volunteer groups, young people, seniors, vulnerable people and people with special needs to meet to enjoy their activities in safe, secure and practical surroundings.
  • To provide facilities for fitness and sports groups to train.
  • To provide facilities for local musicians.
  • To provide office space for meetings of community and other private groups.

Trustees overview

Currently we have 3 trustees:
David Walsh; Chairperson (original trustee)
Belinda Ridout; Secretary & Treasurer and Booking (original trustee)
Alan Waistell; Responsible for health and safety

Our History

Gillingham Youth Foundation CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) was set up in 2016, by three Gillingham councillors, in order to take over the Freehold of the Youth & Community Centre buildings from Dorset County Council, as from 1 st September, 2016. The purpose of the takeover was to ensure the continued use of the buildings for community use. At the time, Dorset Council intended to sell or repurpose all youth centre buildings across Dorset, unless there was community interest to take them on.

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